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Why It's Important to Follow Your Doctor's Instructions After a Car Accident

Car accidents are, unfortunately, extremely common occurrences. According to some estimates, drivers will file a car crash claim once every 17 years or so over the course of their lifetimes. Because some of these accidents can cause damage to yourself in addition to your vehicle, you might see a doctor soon afterward. Even if your injury is minor, seeing a physician will be an important part of filing an insurance claim. Without seeking treatment, an insurance company might not believe you were injured at all. A doctor’s evaluation can act as evidence, which you can later send the auto insurance company you file with.

Once you do see a physician, part of the treatment may involve following precise instructions. For example, if your doctor detects muscle strain in your arm and instructs you not to do intense exercise for a couple of weeks, he or she may be worried the car accident injury could be aggravated by excessive movement. Following these instructions, no matter how tedious, can help you prevent further injuries.

Likewise, by following these instructions, you are demonstrating you take your condition and your treatment seriously. For example, if your insurance company finds out you haven’t followed your physician’s instructions, they might use this as evidence your injuries aren’t as severe as you claim. They could use this evidence to reduce the amount of compensation you deserve; in some cases, they might not compensate you at all.

If you think your claim might not be taken seriously by an insurance company, consider speaking to one of our skilled San Jose car accident attorneys. Habbas & Associates is dedicated to representing the victims of personal injury and helping them seek the compensation they deserve. We have a long history of helping people throughout California and Nevada by providing experienced legal guidance. If you’re interested in filing a claim or appealing a rejected claim, give us a call. We understand this may be an incredibly stressful time for you and your family. Let us see what we can do for you.

Contact us at (888) 387-4053 or fill out our online form to schedule a free case consultation with us today.

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